Learn more in this video from our founders about how Salute from the Shore came to be! We are now celebrating the 10th-anniversary flyover this July 4th, 2019.
11 years ago, good friends Johnny Folsom and Toddy Smith were sitting on the beach on the 4th of July, talking about how they were enjoying family and friends while the young people of the military were defending us overseas. Johnny and Toddy decided that these people needed to be honored, and they set out to find a way to make this happen.
These men, along with the other founders of Salute form the Shore, knew that South Carolina is a very patriotic state, and that the coast of South Carolina would be a great venue for everyone to come and show appreciation for our military.
No one thought then that the flyover would become the annual tradition that it is, lasting now 10 years. We're really bigger and stronger than we've ever been before because the people of South Carolina take this seriously - it really means something to them.
Salute form the Shore is a festive time. When those jets flyover, there's a sense of this reverence that takes over the entire beach, and afterwards there's a feeling of jubilation.
It's astounding that a conversation 11 years ago has turned into the wonderful celebration that it is today. Salute from the Shore is a way to honor and thank people for what they've done for our country!